Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Little Wellness Arts Center Remembers LEE CHAMBERLIN

The beautiful actress that played the one and only "Madam Zenobia" in the film Uptown Saturday has passed away at the age of 76.

She was born and raised in NYC.

Ms. Chamberlin was also well known by many young people (such as myself) from her appearances on the PBS show The Electric Company.

Though she was only a regular cast member during the 1971 and 72 seasons, The Electric Company continued to teach generation after generation reading and phonics until 1985.

The Electric Company used sketches comedy and cartoons to teach kids reading as they may have aged out of Sesame Street.

Lee Chamberlin also had a starring role in Let's Do It Again , the follow up to Uptown Saturday Night.

Ms. Chamberlin was also a regular guest star in many of the great shows on the 1970's like Diff'rent trokes and What's Happening. As well as playing love interest to "Alex Haley" in the tv mini series Roots 2 The Next Generation.

How I learned about apostry T.

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that I am just learning of her passing. I was just speaking of Madam Zenobia on Monday. Thank you for sharing your talents with us Mrs. Chamberlin.
